Moving hacks

Here are a couple of more moving hacks for you, in order to save money and to make moving all the more fun.

Hack 1: get boxes for free

ask for boxes at your local newspaper store, grocery store, clothes store and fruit stand as all these get many things in boxes, which they won’t need for later on. They will be happy to give them to you for free. Make sure you have at least 20-30 larger and 10-20 smaller boxes for the heavier items.

Hack 2: Lots of duct tape

Duct tape is the solution for nearly everything and that is exactly the case. Make sure you get tons of it at your local hardware store or hypermarket to fix all the boxes which you have packed previously. You will need way more than you would imagine so get 2-3 rolls for start.

Hack 3: towels for TVs and other sensitive electronics

Remember moving is a risky business. Wrap all your fragile things in towels, clothes and bubbly wrapping papers if you have some around. There are specific wine boxes with separate spaces for each glass which are also perfect for storing and transporting fragile things around.

Hack 4: Trash bags for the clothes

This may sound weird but the best way to carry clothes is in fact in trash bags, especially in the larger ones. They are spacious and they can house tons of clothes all in once, which makes the whole packing process quite effortless, as you don’t need to wrap much of anything.

Hack 5: you can use laundry baskets, bins and your sport bags as well for moving your things

Hack 6:Write what’s in each box, and if you don’t want others to know, then you can also use color coding system with the help of the nicely colored color tapes. The only thing important is, that you don’t forget what each color signifies

  • You can categorize according to the type of things you pack and the room from which you pack

Hack 5: Wrap them around: if something is in its respective holder, do not take it out, wrap it as it is. This goes for the cutlery and any other boxes as such. It’s needless hassle to take them all out to put them all back in.

  • Pack the grocery separately and bring only what you really need.

Hack 5: Start cleaning and defrosting your fridge a week before moving: we tend to forget about it, although it’s a big deal. A full fridge weighs triple as much as an empty one, especially if its freezer is full. Be aware of this and unfreeze the whole before the fridge being transported.

It’s best to drop everything that’s perishable out of the fridge and freezer. They are likely never to be eaten after sitting in the freezer for a few years anyways.

Hack 5: Try space bags for your clothes: this is a smart system which works with sucking out the air from the bag. This way your clothes remain absolutely fresh and easy to pack.

We hope you liked these hacks and that you will end up using some or all of them. Have a good moving. Check out of website for more tips, hacks and help on fast sale home.